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MSU Libraries Web Content Standards

Content Strategy

Why It Matters

Information goes stale quickly. While we are a library and thus have a vested interest in keeping and preserving information about just about everything, older information should not be positioned such that it obscures or is easily mistaken for up-to-date information. Also, all of our content should serve a purpose, and that purpose should be obvious to the user - otherwise, the website becomes difficult to use and to navigate.


Roles and Responsibilities


Creating a webpage

  1. Requestor requests a page via ticket. CC Provider and any needed Reviewer, if not same as Requestor.
  2. Provider creates content and attaches to ticket.
  3. Manager or Publisher creates page on development server.
  4. Reviewer approves page.
  5. Publisher publishes page.
  6. Communicator communicates change with library faculty and staff and any necessary external users.

Editing a webpage

  1. Requestor requests edit via ticket. CC Provider and any needed Reviewer, if not the same as Requestor.
  2. Provider attaches edited text to ticket.
  3. Publisher makes any needed changes on development server.
  4. Reviewer approves changes.
  5. Publisher publishes changes.
  6. Communicator communicates change with library faculty and staff and any necessary external users.

Unpublishing a webpage

  1. Requestor requests via ticket that a page be taken down, OR Manager determines that the page is at the end of its useful life.
  2. Manager identifies and communicates with relevant stakeholders to determine if the page is still needed and, if not, where the page's link should point users.
  3. Publisher unpublishes the page and updates all necessary internal links.
  4. Communicator communicates change to library faculty and staff and any necessary external users.

Content Lifecycle

Web Technologies staff will review website content every July for accuracy, accessibility, and timeliness. If we discover issues, we will consult with the content's stakeholders to get it updated. No content will be unpublished without thorough review and consultation with stakeholders.