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MSU Libraries Web Content Standards

Optimal Content Locations

Most Content: MSU Libraries Website (Drupal)

The MSU Libraries official website is hosted by ITS and uses Drupal as its platform. This is the place where the bulk of MSU Libraries' content should be housed. It should be considered the default location for all content, unless said content fits one of the cases below.

Guide Content: Research Guides (LibGuides)

Use of LibGuides should be reserved for "guide content:" content meant to guide users in researching a specific subject or discipline, building research skills, using a specific software, completing a specific course, etc. It can include bibliographies, tutorials/how-tos, and more. "Guide content" can also include supplemental resources for a workshop - recorded sessions, handouts, slides, etc.

  • Avoid using LibGuides for:
    • Landing pages for services, software, or library events
    • Duplicating information already found on library websites
    • A departmental website, with information about the department, fac/staff, and services
    • Files that should be placed into long-term archival storage (e.g., Scholars Junction)
  • Use LibGuides for:
    • A compilation of resources useful for doing research in chemical engineering
    • Supplementary information and resources for EN 3314
    • Instructions for depositing material into Scholars Junction
    • An accompaniment to the DMC's Photoshop workshops, including session recordings, handouts, and instructions
    • A guide to accompany a film screening presented by a MSU Libraries committee, including more info about the film, reviews, online discussions, and other materials

Frequently Asked Questions: Ask Us (LibAnswers)

Lists of FAQs should be stored in LibAnswers and kept up to date.

Avoid providing new information in FAQs - wherever possible, they should point users to information on the main website. This allows us to keep a single source of truth, rather than having multiple points that must be kept updated.



  • Avoid:
    Q: What services do you offer for students with disabilities?
    A: Our services to users with disabilities include: material retrieval; copies and enlargements; and accessible parking.
  • Use:
    Q: What services do you offer for students with disabilities?
    A: Visit our Users with Disabilities page to learn about our services, facilities, and resources for users who need accommodations.


Archival Content: Scholars Junction (MSU's Institutional Repository)

Scholars Junction is the place for archival content, that is, anything that documents MSU's history and scholarship and should be preserved and openly available.

Examples of archival content:

  • An open-access article you wrote
  • A slideshow you created for a workshop you taught
  • Brochures for library services
  • Digitized versions of Special Collections materials (Digital Collections)

For more examples and other information, visit