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MSU Libraries LibAnswers Helpdesk

This guide explains how to use LibAnswers as a helpdesk.


When you first log in to LibAnswers, you're brought to the Dashboard. This gives you an overview of the tickets in your queues.


  1. LibChat status - No need to mess with this unless your department uses the LibChat feature.
  2. Springshare announcements - Sometimes when Springshare debuts new features, they advertise them here. You can safely click the X to dismiss them.
  3. Administrative announcements - LibAnswers admins may post reminders and announcements here. Please do keep an eye on these!
Screenshot of the top of the Dashboard


Just below the Administrative Announcement box, you can browse the tickets in your queues.

Open tickets

  1. On logging in, you are first brought to a list of all the open tickets in your queues. The down-arrow lets you change your view; more on that later.
  2. Source: Where tickets came from. For our purposes, most will come via System, Widget, Email, or Staff Entry.
  3. Status: New, Open, Pending, Closed. You can also see All tickets, or any that are Not Closed (includes New, Open, Pending).
  4. Owned by: See tickets owned by specific users. Note: if you click on a ticket, you automatically claim it! If you don't want it, you will need to Unclaim it or transfer it.
  5. Name: Search for issues entered by a specific person.
  6. Email: Enter a requester's email to find the tickets they've entered.
  7. Bulk actions: You can bulk delete, change status, add or remove tags, or mark as spam.
  8. Status: Shows a ticket's status.
    1. New - User has just submitted ticket, no one has replied yet
    2. Open - Ticket is being investigated by an agent and work is being done
    3. Pending - Agent is awaiting more info from user or other party
    4. Closed - work is finished and ticket is all done
  9. Question: Shows the ticket's title, questioner, how the ticket appeared, some environment information, and any tags that have been applied.
  10. Last message from: Who last replied to the ticket.
  11. Owner: Who claimed the ticket.
  12. Last updated: Date of last time the ticket was updated. Use the arrow to sort ascending or descending as you wish.
Screenshot of initial Open Tickets view


Prefer tickets to be displayed in a certain specific way? You need a View! Views allow you to specify how you want to see tickets in your Dashboard.

By default, you have the option to see all open tickets in your queues ("Open Tickets"), or only the ones you've claimed or been assigned ("My Tickets").

Other views may be present if they have been shared with your queue.

Screenshot of open ticket view options


You can create your own private Views, or ask an admin to create a View to be shared with your queue.


To create a View:

On the orange Command Bar, click on Admin > Views.

Screenshot of Views option in LibAnswers.

In the Manage Views screen, click the Create a View button.

Screenshot of Manage Views page in LibAnswers

Select options to personalize your View.

  1. Name your View something that makes sense - this is what will display in the dropdown on the Dashboard.
  2. Source: Show tickets that came in from any source, or narrow it to those that came in through email, staff entry, etc.
  3. Status: Show all, any, or specifically closed, new, open, or pending tickets.
  4. Owner: Choose whose tickets to display - select as many as needed, or unclaimed tickets.
  5. Queue: Choose which queues to pull tickets from. You are limited to the queues to which you have access. Select as many as needed from that list.
  6. Tag: Display tickets based on their tags.
  7. When you have selected your filters, click Save, and your private View is created.

If you would like to have a shared View created for your department or working group, put in a ticket to DIWS.

Screenshot of Create View screen in LibAnswers