Here are some examples of video game citations using MLA. Keep in mind that MLA citations ask for
- Contributor element
- Title of Source
- Version (optional)
- Publisher
- Publication year
- Final Supplemental element (platform)
PC Game Without a Contributor
This War of Mine:Final Cut, 11-bit Studios, 2014. Windows game.
iPhone Game without a Contributor
This War of Mine. Version 1.7.0, 11-bit Studios S.A., 2015, iPhone game.
PC Game with a Contributor
Stardew Valley. Created by Eric Barone, Version 1.5.6., Concerned Ape, 2016. Windows game
Console Game without a Contributor
This War of Mine: Final Cut. 11-bit Studios, 2022. XBox game
Console Game with a Contributor
Stardew Valley. Created by Eric Barone, Concerned Ape, 2016. Xbox game
For more information on how to cite video games using MLA, please see:
MLA Style Center