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Political Science: Political Analysis

Search MSU's Online Catalog for Books

Microfilm Resources

The following resources can help you find primary and secondary microfilm, microfiche and microcard collections in the MSU Library Collections.

Searching by Keyword

There are two types of searching in the catalog. Advanced Search uses keyword searching to find your search term anywhere in the catalog record, and is useful when you are searching for any material about a topic. Exact Search is most useful when you know what you are looking for; either a specific author, a title, or a subject.

Other tips when searching:

  • Boolean Logic: use AND, OR, or NOT to group search terms together and expand or narrow your search results.
  • Subject Headings: use Subject Searches (either Exact or Browse) to find database-specific terms that demonstrate what the work is about. Also, in a catalog record, use the "Subject Terms" to find other works indexed in the same subject.
  • Truncation: use the asterisk (*) to search using root words. For "histor*" you get "history"; "historians"; "historiography", etc.

Browsing by Call Number

Political Science materials will be found in multiple areas. Circulating Books will be located on the Third Floor of Mitchell Memorial Library in the A-N call number range (on the north side of the building). Audio-Visual Media will be located in the Digital Media Center on the Second Floor, behind Einstein Bros. Bagel/Food for Thought. Reference Books will be located in the Reference Department on the Second Floor to the left of the Drill Field entrance. You can go to the  LC Class lists and click on the relevant subclass for a more in-depth call number outline.