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LC Subject Headings

Music and technology

Music appreciation

Music education

Music in education -- History

Music in physical education

Music -- Instruction and study -- Juvenile

Music -- Instruction and study -- Standards -- United States

Music - Instruction and study - United States - History

Music -- Philosophy and aesthetics

Music teachers  -- Rating of -- United States

Music Education

Music Education Resources

LC Call Numbers

School music:  M1992+

            Bibliography:  ML128.S25

                        Discography:  ML156.4.S4



                                    Instruction and study:  MT1918+

                                    Song books:  M1994+

                                    Songs:  M1994.5+

Musical Instruction and Study:

Theory of musical instruction and study (Pedagogies):  MT1

History and criticism:

            General:  MT2

            Music study by Americans in Europe:  MT2.5

            By region or country, A-Z:  MT3

Teachers' - supervisors' manuals, etc.:  MT10

Music in special education:  MT17

Music therapy:  ML3920

Special methods:

            Galin-Paris-Chevé:  MT20

            Jaques-Dalcroze:  MT22

Band instruction and study:

            General:  MT733

            Marching bands and maneuvers:  MT733.4

            Drum majoring:  MT733.5

            Baton twirling:  MT733.6

Instrumental techniques:

            Instruction and study for children:

                        Orchestral music, chamber music, etc.:  MT810

Singing and voice culture:

            Techniques for children:

                        General:  MT898

                        Systems and methods:  MT900

                        Special techniques:  MT905

                        Choir training:  MT915

                        School (General)  MT918


                                    General:  MT920

                                    Methods and exercises:  MT925

                                    Elementary schools.  Junior high schools.  High schools.

                                    General:  MT930

                                    Methods (Vocal):  MT935

                                    Outlines of courses, etc.:  MT936

                                    Methods and exercises (Instrumental):  MT937

                                    Studies and exercises: 

                                                General:  MT945

                                                Action and drill music games:  MT949

                                                Other:  MT949


See also the Full LC Classification Outline for Music

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