"From structure to style, titles to tables, abstracts to author lists, this book gives practical advice about the process of writing a paper and getting it published."
Whether you're working on a class paper or a major research project, meeting with a librarian can help to ensure you find the information you need and the tools to manage them effectively.
Scholars Junction provides online repository space to collect, preserve, freely share items and data produced by the MSU community. This resource also provides journal hosting capabilities.
Citation Managment Software
Learn about programs that allow you to organize your references, format them in a style of your choice, and insert them into a Word document. The library provides training for the following programs:
Mendeley [MSU provides access to the Institutional Edition]
Zotero [Free version available with low-cost storage upgrade options]
Course Reserves are supplemental class materials reserved by instructors for student use outside the classroom. In general, articles and book chapters can be placed on e-reserve, while books and DVDs can be put on physical reserves.
The DMC has a wide range of resources and services, including ...
Studio spaces - Record lectures, presentations, performances, and more; produce professional TV shows or podcast episodes
Multimedia lab - Create professional brochures, flyers, posters; create music; capture and edit video; access the lates design, editing, and production software from Adobe Creative Cloud
Makerspace - Produce 3D prints and scans; learn to sew; create customized shirts, buttons, and tumblers
Virtual Reality Studio - Experience, work, and play in virtual and augmented reality
Printing - Print in black and white, color, and wide format