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VR and PC Gaming Guide

This guide contains our policies and best practices for using the VR and Gaming Studio in the Digital Media Center.


My reservation for the VR and Gaming Studio indicates that I agree to abide by these conditions of use when borrowing VR equipment from the Mitchell Memorial Library:

  • I understand the above equipment may not leave the Digital Media Center for any reason. 
  • I accept full financial liability for the VR equipment and its accessories, while in my possession.
  • I agree to pay all costs associated with damage to, loss of, or theft of the VR equipment and accessories while it is checked out to me.
  • I acknowledge that failure to pay any amount owing will be considered an outstanding debt to the MSU Libraries and will be added to my student account.
  • I understand it is my responsibility to read and adhere to the University’s Policies and Procedures for Use of Computers or URLs (
  • I understand that abusing the Digital Media Center/MSU Libraries checkout policy and violation of MSU policies and procedures can result in the loss of equipment checkout privileges from the Digital Media Center.


Last updated April 9, 2024