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Scholars Junction: How to Deposit Your Data Science Capstone Project

This guide will help Data Science students who have completed their capstone project deposit it into Scholars Junction.


Depositing your finished Data Science capstone project in Scholars Junction keeps it freely available to the public, ensures you'll always have a copy if you need it in future, and secures a place for you in MSU's scholarly history.

Read on to learn how to create your account and submit your project!

Scholars Junction

Step 1: Create your account

In order to submit an item to Scholars Junction, you will need an account. Visit the account creation guide to learn how.

Step 2: Collect your materials

Make sure that you have all of the materials you'll need to deposit. Depending on your project and requirements, this might include:

  • A PDF of your final project report
  • Your data dictionary and/or code book
  • Associated dataset(s) - make sure they do not include any personally identifiable or proprietary information
  • Any associated images or other files

You should ensure that any PDFs you upload are as accessible as possible - here's a tutorial from Adobe.

Step 3: Navigate to the submission form

There's a special submission form for the Data Science capstone projects. To find it, follow these steps.

1. Go to Scholars Junction. Click on "My Account" to log in. Screenshot of Scholars Junction homepage with a link to My Account highlighted
You should have used your email to create your account - make sure you use those credentials to log in. Screenshot of the login screen with the login fields highlighted
When you're logged in, you'll be taken to the My Account page. Click "Home" to return to the Scholars Junction homepage. Screenshot of the My Account page with the Home link highlighted
2. Find the "Author Corner" section in the left sidebar and click the "Submit" link. Screenshot of section of Scholars Junction homepage with the Submit link highlighted
You'll be taken to a list of collections. Scroll or search until you find the Data Science Academic Institute's Capstone Projects link. Screenshot of the Submit Your Research page with the Capstone Projects link highlighted

Step 4: Complete the form

Once you've found the form, follow these steps to complete your submission.


First, you'll need to agree to our submission guidelines and policies.

In short, you agree that you are submitting your own original work to which you own the copyright, or that you have permission from the copyright holder to submit the work. You agree to allow us to store and distribute this copy of your work, and to update the format of it if needed for future archival.

To agree, check the highlighted box and click Continue.

Screenshot of agreement page of submission form

You'll be brought to the main form. Please complete it with as much detail as you can. This information is vital in getting your work to display in search engine results and indicate to potential readers what it's about and why they should engage with it.

Here I will focus on the most important fields - if you have questions about any other fields, please contact me!


Required field. Be thorough and use headline style capitalization. (Not sure how? Try this tool.)

Screenshot of Title field


Required field. This field is auto-filled with your name and email. You may need to click the Edit icon and add "Mississippi State University" as your Affiliation.

If you have a co-author, click Add Author to add another row. (If your co-author is also MSU-affiliated, enter their email address - they may already have an account in the system, and their name and other info will be auto-filled if so.)

Screenshot of Authors field


Enter the name of your advisor.

Screenshot of the Advisor field

Document Type

Required field. Always use the "Capstone Project" option (it's the default and automatically selected).

Screenshot of Document Type field


Paste in your project abstract or description.

Screenshot of Abstract field

Rights Statement

Add instructions for reuse of this item. This can be a custom rights statement or the text of a Creative Commons license. Leaving this field blank should be understood to denote that the item is open access.

Screenshot of Rights Statement field


Leave this field blank - when I finish processing your submission I will create a DOI and add it to this field.

Screenshot of DOI field

Publication Date

Please enter the date (month, day, year - no need for season) of the day you submit the form. I can adjust it if it takes a little longer to finish processing your submission.

Screenshot of Publication Date field

Embargo Period

If you chose to make your project immediately open to the world, make this date match the above date.

If you chose to archive it without making it immediately openly available, add the date it should become available. For instance, if you want it to stay private for 2 years after your submission, keep the month and day the same and adjust the year. On that date, the item will automatically become open access.

Screenshot of the Embargo Period field

Funder and Grant

If you received funding for this project, enter the name of the funder and the grant name/number in these fields.

Screenshot of the Funder and Grant fields


If your project covers a specific (or general!) place or time, describe them in these fields.

Screenshot of Spatial Coverage and Temporal Coverage fields


Does your dataset or other files require specific software? List it here to enable future users to use the file (and the Libraries to preserve it).

Screenshot of Requires field


Choose the college to which you belong, and click Select. Dual majors: you can add more than one!

Screenshot of College field


Choose the department(s) with which you are affiliated and click Select.

Screenshot of Department field


Choose some keywords that quickly give potential readers more clues about what they can expect in your project. Major topics, research methods, and software are all great places to look for keywords.

Screenshot of Keywords field


Choosing Disciplines places your work in the global Digital Commons Network, increasing its chances of being widely read. You can choose as many as you need to. These do not strictly correspond to MSU colleges, departments, or majors, so consider carefully the options you choose.

Screenshot of Disciplines field

Upload file

Finally, you can upload your file. Choose the "Upload file from your computer" option to display the upload box. This is your primary file and it should be the accessible PDF of your final report.

When approved, the system will add a cover page with some basic information on it, including your item's citation.

Screenshot of Upload File field

Additional Files

To add the rest of your project files, click the Additional Files box. Do not be alarmed - nothing will happen until you click Submit, but you will be able to upload those files!

Screenshot of Additional Files checkbox


Finally, click the Submit button. Note that this might take a few minutes depending on your PDF's filesize.

Almost done!

Screenshot of Submit function

Supplemental Files

This is where you can upload your dataset, data dictionary or codebook, and any other additional files. You'll upload one file at a time. Click the Browse button to start.

Screenshot of the Upload Supplemental Content screen

Check your list of files. Here you can add a more descriptive title if you wish (otherwise the filename will display as the link label), correct the version of the file if necessary, and change the sort order.

When you're done, click Save, and then Continue.

Screenshot of uploaded supplemental files

Step 5: Wait for processing

Once you've completed your submission, you'll be brought to the confirmation page. Here you can see the metadata you entered and, if necessary, revise your submission.

Note: Once your submission is processed and published, you will not be able to directly edit it. Email if you need to make any changes after the item is published (and be sure to include a link to the item)!

Screenshot of confirmation page

Your item must be approved by a Scholars Junction administrator (most likely, me). Ideally, this should only take a few days, but may take longer depending on demand.

As part of the process, a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) will be created for your item. This permanent link ensures that even if Scholars Junction changes platforms, your work will still be available. The DOI will be added to your item record and emailed to you - you can put it on your resume or curriculum vita, post it on your website or social media - disseminate it wherever you wish!

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