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Scholars Junction: Submission Guidelines

Acceptance criteria and general submission methods for Scholars Junction.
Scholars Junction, MSU's Institutional Repository

We are honored to accept submissions of scholarship, creative works, and historical records by, for, and about Mississippi State University.

Read on to learn what we accept and how you can submit your own materials!

General Acceptance Criteria

Note: Specific collections may have additional content guidelines.

Acceptable Material Types

Contact us to talk about your work and how it fits into MSU's scholarly and historical landscape.

The types of materials we accept include (but are not limited to):

Research, Data, and Creative Works

  • Articles
  • Books
  • Book chapters
  • Conference proceedings
  • Extension publications
  • Research data
  • Theses and dissertations
  • Presentation slides and posters
  • Honors theses and other undergraduate research
  • Photographs, drawings, maps
  • Audiovisual recordings
  • Previously published materials (where allowable)

MSU History

  • Historical documents
  • University committee minutes and records
  • Alumni records and publications
  • Promotional materials
  • Recorded events and performances (where allowed by copyright)
  • Student publications
  • Course catalogs, curricula, bulletins, syllabi, and reading lists
  • Departmental newsletters
  • Departmental annual reports
  • Research center publications
  • Photographs, maps, blueprints of campus buildings
  • Statistics

Acceptable Files

File Sizes

There is no restriction on the overall file size of your contribution. The Digital Commons platform offers unlimited storage. However, there are some practical limitations on what you may be able to submit.

  • Individual files of under 2gb can usually be uploaded successfully via the web interface.
  • Files larger than 2gb, or large groups of files, will need to be uploaded by Scholars Junction staff.

File Formats

We prefer supported or known file formats.

  • Supported formats: Public, open formats that can be used in the future through migration or emulation (e.g., .pdf, .html, .xml, .latex)
  • Known formats: Proprietary but so widely used that they will almost certainly be usable for the foreseeable future (e.g., .docx, .xlsx, .psd, .mov)
  • Unsupported formats: Filetypes that we can't commit to keeping usable (e.g., .wps, .exe). You can still submit them, but should provide a ReadMe file explaining how to open them, and should not expect them to be preserved forever.

To keep our system secure, any executable software files should be submitted in a .zip archive.

How to Submit Your Work

Submit a Single Item (1 or more files)

You can submit most items quickly and easily via Scholars' Junction's web interface. A single item record can contain multiple files; files should be no larger than 2gb to successfully upload.

Submit Large Files or Collections

To submit large files, or large groups of files, follow this procedure:

To submit a research collection, begin by contacting the Scholarly Communication Team. We'll talk about your work and how best to organize and display it, licensing options, and more.

Submit Your Publication List

Got an extensive backlog? No need to submit each item individually! Send us your list of citations, and we will add a record for each publication to Scholars Junction with links to the published item wherever possible.

Scholars Junction staff will work with you to also store shareable copies of associated files.

Include only publications produced while you were a student of or employed by MSU.

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