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Library update: Recent database changes

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Linguistics/ TESOL

This research guide will help you in your research for studies in linguistics. You will find how to search for peer-reviewed articles, key reference books and journals, as well as helpful online resources.

Recommended Databases

The list of databases below are general databases that will help you to create background information on your topic.  

Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts

The Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstract (LLBA) will be your best bet!  Start your research with this database first!

When searching this database, make sure that you start in the 'Advanced Search.'  Once here you can select the 'peer reviewed' box, to limit your search to only these articles.  You can also further limit your search by selecting 'scholarly journals.'

For Example:  If you are searching 'Language' & 'Identity' you will want to select the peer reviewed box and limit to scholarly articles. You can also limit to what the article subject content has, under 'Document Type.'  If you need 'case studies,' for example, you can limit your scholarly articles for those.

Once you receive your results, you can use the 'Find It' button to locate the article.  You will be taken to the full text version of the article, where it is located in print in the library, or we do not have it and you will need to request through ILL.  If you are already logged into your account, the form will automatically fill out for the requested article and you will receive an email that you can log into ILL to view the PDF of the article.  Turn around time on ILL is at least 24-48 hrs.

If you would like further tutorials on searching LLBA, ProQuest provides some great ones!