Arthurian Legend, centers around the life of the Legendary King Arthur. The stories often include the Knights of the Round Table, Guinevere, Merlin, and the quest for the holy grail. Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory is generally accepted as a cornerstone text for Arthurian Legend. Other stories based on the Arthurian Legend include Mabinogion and poems by the Pearl Poet. Mabinogion is based on older stories from the oral tradition and written in prose during the Middle Ages in Welsh and translated by Lady Charlotte Guest in the 19th century. The Pearl Poet, an unidentified author, wrote a poem about chivalric romance in Sir Gawain and the Greene Knight during later half of the 14th century. Themes in Arthurian Legend include, but are not limited to, chivalry, virtue, religion, and courtly love. Use the Web links below to help you with your research. The Websites & Videos will also help with finding primary resources and learning more about King Arthur.