This page presents several resources for you to conduct patent search. Most of the search tools are free to use.
- United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Patent Public Search
The USPTO patent research database provides complete and up-to-date patent information. Copies of patents, patent applications, and other related filings are available on their web site. Full text and images are available for patents from 1976. Patents issued from 1790 to 1975 are searchable only by patent number, issue date, and current classification numbers.
- European Patent Office Database (Espacenet)
The Espacenet database offers access to published patent documents worldwide, including those published by the U.S. The documents include information about inventions and technical developments from 1782 to the present.
- Google Patents
Google Patents provides user-friendly search interface that searches full text of patents filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the European Patent Office, and the World Intellectual Property Organization. It also includes technical documents and books indexed in Google Scholar and Google Books, and documents from the Prior Art Archive.
- PatentScope - World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is an agency of the United Nations. This resource allows you to search patent documents from participating national and regional intellectual property offices (Patent Cooperation Treaty members). You can use keywords, international patent classification (IPC), chemical structures, and other criteria to perform searches, and information is translated in different languages.
- The Lens
The Lens database contains patent documents from around the world. This search tool provides Boolean functions, classification search, biological search, and other. It offers quick access to patent family information.