The Survival Skills for Graduate Students workshop series is offered every fall and spring semester by the Graduate Student Services Department of the Mississippi State University Libraries. Most workshops are now offered online. This page provides access to handouts used during the workshops. Sight and hearing impaired users who need alternative access to recordings or handouts should contact the Dr. Deborah Lee.
This workshop provides strategies for starting and finishing a dissertation or thesis. (Files updated January 2021)
This workshop provides strategies and techniques for researching and organizing a literature review. (Files updated January 2021)
This workshop provides an introduction to the academic publishing process. Topics covered include submission strategies, managing the relationship with editors and reviewers, and publishing best practices. (Files updated January 2021)
Within higher education, the curriculum vitae is the tool most often used during the job search process and throughout the academic career. This session will discuss strategies for developing a professional curriculum vitae. (Files updated February 2021.)
This workshop discusses aspects of the responsible conduct of research and the MSU Honor Code.
The job hunting process in academia can be confusing. This session will discuss the application process for a tenure track position in higher education. Topics include the application packet and preparation for the on-site visit.
This workshop will define and discuss plagiarism. The session will include strategies and research best practices for avoiding plagiarism in your scholarly writing. (Files updated September 2017)
What rights do you have as an author? Can you post your research online for others to read? This workshop will address common concepts and issues related to author's contracts.
This workshop will provide strategies and templates for crafting the research statement as part of an application packet for an academic position.
This workshop will provide strategies for crafting the teaching philosophy statement as part of an application packet for an academic position.
Co-sponsored by the Office of Research and Economic Development. This workshop focuses on searching for funding opportunities for research and scholarly activities.
Learn successful strategies for managing your budget and long term debt.