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Omeka Digital Exhibits

MSU Libraries hosts Omeka Classic for MSU's staff, faculty, and students to show their creative and scholarly research in an appealing, organized, and user friendly platform.


The Mississippi State University Libraries is pleased to announce the availability of a new web publishing platform, Omeka, that can be used by faculty, instructors and researchers to create dynamic digital exhibits that showcase collections of digital images, text and other multi-media formats.  Omeka, a powerful, yet easy to use platform, is an open-source application used by many institutions, libraries and museums to create online exhibits from their collections.  Omeka is also used as a publishing platform for faculty engaging their students in digital humanities work.  Omeka was selected because of its easy of use, flexibility in the types of digital objects that can be added and the wide variety of plug-ins that can be used to enhance the exhibit.

Omeka Login

Getting Started with an Omeka Exhibit

Getting started with an Omeka exhibit is easy!

  1. Review the Omeka Policies and Procedures available here:  Policies and Procedures. 
  2. Submit a proposal using our online form available here:  Omeka Proposal Form.
  3. You will be contacted by by an assigned expert user with any questions about your proposal.  Once the proposal is approved, you will be receive login credentials.