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English Composition Guide

A supplement to library instruction sessions for EN 1113 (English Composition II), EN 1113H (Honors English Composition II), and EN 1173 (Accelerated Composition II).

New Guide

This guide has been replaced by a new one and no longer maintained.  Please visit


Welcome to the guide for English Composition! This guide was created to supplement the library instruction sessions that support EN 1113 (English Composition II), EN 1173 (Accelerated English Composition II), and EN 1113 H (Honors English Composition II). Here you will find resources that will help you decide on topics and conduct research for your class papers, from the exploratory essay to the final research assignment.

Common Materials and Resources

All of the following resources are available at the Reserve Desk at Access and Information on the Second Floor:

Handouts and Links

Online Resources for Argumentative Essays/ Papers:

Census Information – Find popular facts (population, income, etc.) and frequently requested data about your community.

Pew Research Center - Find nonpartisan facts about public opinion through polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. - Provides pros & Cons for controversial issues – Like Pew the information is gathered independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit groups.

Public Agenda – nonpartisan, unbiased resources to help you think through a difficult issue in alternative ways, weighing and evaluating values, priorities, pros, cons and tradeoffs.

World Public Opinion – an international collaborative project whose aim is to give voice to public opinion around the world on international issues. 

News Sites:

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)


LA Times

NPR (National Public Radio)

New York Times


MSU Primary Resource Databases:

MSU has more primary resource databases on specific topics, such as:  Protest of the Vietnam War, the Great Depression, Literature of the South, etc.

Library Session Evaluation

Click here to complete the Library Session Evaluation.