To support the faculty of community-engaged learning projects and courses, provide them with resources for research, and include program updates and highlights
Free online resources for educators (K-12, higher education, community education, etc.) teaching with the community-engaged learning framework. Sign up for alerts, webinar opportunities, and forums for discussion.
Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) is based at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University.
Purdue's journal of student reflective essays on their community-engaged learning projects is an effort to strengthen the pedagogy of writing and reflection.
Through innovative analysis of theory and practice, this book offers refreshing critical perspectives on service-learning in higher education. It constructs a theoretical paradigm for service-learning which extends to critical pedagogy, and investigates critical reflection and academic reflective writing, supported throughout by empirical evidence.
Specifically, see Unit 4: "Beyond the classroom. Utilizing Social Media for Democratic Service-Learning Practice: A Framework and Guide for Educators" by Cara R. Lynch, Elizabeth E. Henry, Lisa V. Bardwell, and Jennifer A. Richter