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Current News

This guide offers an introduction to a selection of current news publications available through the Mississippi State University Libraries. The guide includes directions on how to register for the Chronicle of Higher Education, the NYTimes, and the WSJ.

Chronicle of Higher Education - Premium Subscription

Mississippi State University Libraries provides unlimited access to the Chronicle of Higher Education. This site license includes all of the Chronicle's content, daily news, and data.  Searchable access to articles and essays dating back to 1989 are included, as well as special issues such as The Almanac of Higher Education and The Trends Report. Access is available both on and off campus.

Accessing The Chronicle of Higher Education

On Campus

On campus access uses IP authentication. Go to the Chronicle's website and click on any title. 

Off Campus

Go to the Chronicle's website and sign in to your account, if you have one, for off campus access. If you do not already have an account, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Chronicle's website and click on the "Sign In" link at the top, right-hand side of the page.  Or visit:
  • Select the "Sign Up" tab to create a free account using your institutional or organizational email address.  You also have the option to sing up for The Chronicle's free email newsletters during the registration process.
  • Activate your account by confirming your email address.  Look for an email from with the subject line "The Chronicle: Confirm your email."  Follow the instructions in that email. 

More Information

Newsletters/Email Updates

A number of additional features are included with our Chronicle site license.  These include a number of optional daily and weekly newsletters that are sent to your email.  Subscription to the newsletters is option but does require the creation of a free account.

  • Academe Today
  • Afternoon Update
  • Breaking News Extra
  • Chronicle Review
  • The Edge
  • Global
  • The Quick Tip
  • Teaching
  • Weekly Briefing
  • 5 Weeks to a Better Semester

Special Reports

Each year, The Chronicle publishes special reports on a variety of critical issues.  Two of special note include:

  • The Trends Report
  • The Almanac of  Higher Education


The Chronicle offers comprehensive data on higher education, including executive compensation, faculty salaries, the fastest-growing colleges, and more.  To use this feature:

  • Select "Data"  in the navigation menu.
  • Data will include information from special reports such as the Almanac of Higher Education.


If you experience difficulties accessing the Chronicle of Higher Education, please contact the the MSU Library through our Help Page.