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Library update: Recent database changes

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Library Changes Information Portal

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eResource Subscriptions Not Renewed

As a result of the rising cost of journals and databases, the following databases were discontinued during fiscal 2023-24.  If you need assistance finding resources to meet your teaching, research or learning needs, please contact one of our subject specialists. They will be happy to assist you.



APA PsycInfo​

Atla Religion with Atla Serials​


CAB Abstracts 1990-present​

Communication & Mass Media Complete​


EconLit with Full Text​


Historical Abstracts​

Historical Abstracts with Full Text​

Library and Information Science Source​


Mergent Online

Music Index​

Philosopher’s Index​

Public Affairs Index​

SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Journals

SocIndex with Full Text​

SportDiscus with Full Text​


Wildlife and Ecology Studies Worldwide​