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History Research Guide

A general reference guide for History faculty, staff and students. This includes resources for historiography and historical research.

Additional Sources for Digitized Primary Materials

The following links go to online digital archives and primary sources hosted by other university, private and government institutions. These resources may have certain restrictions specific to the site hosts. If you would like to suggest an archive not on this list, please leave a comment for the guide editor.

MSU Digital Collections

The Mississippi State University Libraries and the Digital Preservation and Access Unit (DPAU) have initiated a number of digital projects to preserve unique collections and make them more readily accessible. Researchers, students and faculty exploring the digital collections will find sheet music from the Charles H. Templeton, Sr. Sheet Music Collection, digitized items from the Congressional and Political Research Center, and a variety of images and materials found in the CHARM Project. These three digital collections were funded for 2007 as a part of a grant provided by the United States Small Business Administration. Development continues on these and several other digital collections, including photographs from the events held in the MSU Libraries.

Historical Societies and Organizations

Historical societies for all topics of history exist, often with their own conferences and journals. Visit their websites to learn about recently presented scholarship that may not have been published yet. Moreover, join a society aligned with your interests and engage with fellow historians.