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Newspapers & Media Materials
- Monde (le Monde) - Newspaper, in Current Journals
Call Number: PC2121 .A37
- French language instructional tape which uses short scenes to present the language in natural settings.
- Challenges of French Pronunciation (VHS). Scottsdale, AZ: Teacher's Video Co., 2003.
Call Number: PC2137 .C43 (located in the Digital Media Center)
- French Vocabulary Builder (CD-ROM). Fremont, Calif.: The Learning Company, 1995.
Call Number: PC2112 .F746
- Une Visite a Paris (CD-ROM) Huntsville, Tex.: Educational Filmstrips, 1989. Fairfield, Conn.: distributed by Queue, 1997.
Call Number: PC2112 .T4394
- Vive le Francais! [kit] : The Complete French-Language Development Program. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co., 2000.
Call Number: PC2113 .V5
- Actualites Video (VHS). New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1989.
- Call Number: PC2121 .A37 1989 V.1
- PC2121 .A37 1989 V.2
Subject Guide
KC New
Subjects: Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures,
Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures,
Foreign Languages,
Graphic Design,
Interior Design,
Universal Design