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European History: Renaissance to Modern Day Research Guide
Secondary Sources
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European History: Renaissance to Modern Day Research Guide
An overview of print and electronic resources that will help you get started on your research.
Guides and Writing
Historiography and Historians
Secondary Sources
Primary Sources
Selected Internet Resources
Biographical Information
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
Databases: Secondary Sources
You must be a current MSU faculty/staff member or student to access these resources.
America: History & Life
Although this database covers North American history, it is an important tool for articles, books, and other material covering European nations' relationships with their former colonies.
Historical Abstracts
Covering history in all nations but Canada and the United States,
Historical Abstracts
provides citations to articles, books, and other materials.
ATLA Religion
ATLA provides information on topics such as biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religion in social issues.
Historiography and Historians
Primary Sources >>