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Accounting, Taxation, Economics and Finance Guide

This guide covers the basic research resources for accounting, taxation, economics and finance.

Databases and Other Resources

The majority of materials can be found in our online databases many of which can be found below. A full list of all the MSU library databases which can be helpful for Accountancy, Taxation, and Business can be viewed in the All Database Tab. A full list of all of the MSU Library databases can be found in our Database A-Z list.

MSU Databases

Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)

Business Source Complete (EBSCO)

CheckPoint Academic Advantage

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Gale Business: Entrepreneurship

Google Scholar

GreenFile (EBSCO)

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT)



Wall Street Journal (will require MSU Login and registration)

WorldCat (OCLC First Search)

Other resources outside of MSU Libraries can be used to find materials.  Some of these other resources are listed below:

Other Resources

Code of Federal Regulations (Government Printing Office)


Emerald eJournals (Emerald Group Publishing Limited)

FDsys: Federal Digital System (Government Printing Office)