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English Composition

This guide was created to support EN 1113 (English Composition II), EN 1173 (Accelerated English Composition II), and EN 1113 H (Honors English Composition II).

Chicago Image & Artwork Citations

Art & Design disciplines frequently use the Chicago Manual Style of Citation for their research & writing.  Pay close attention to how the bibliographic entries, footnotes/ endnotes, & captions differ from each other.

To help other find the source of an image you will want to include a museum accession number or a URL if online.  

Image Dürer, Albrect. Melancholia I. 1514. Engraving on copper. 239 x 168 mm.      Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany.

Use the example below if you have seen the work in person.  

Bibliographic entry – general
Dürer, Albrect. Melancholia I. 1514. Engraving on copper. 239 x 168 mm.
     Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany.  Object ID 33377D.

Footnote/endnote – general
 1.   Albrect Dürer, Melancholia I, 1514. Engraving on copper, 239 x 168 mm.,
     Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany.  Object ID 33377D.

Caption – general
(*note: captions can be done as figure, fig., illustration, or ill.)

Fig. 1: Albrect Dürer, Melancholia I, 1514. Engraving on copper, 239 x 168 mm., Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany. Object ID 33377D.

Chicago Websites Citation

Image Corot, Camille. Ravine in the Morvan, 1840 - 1845. Oil on canvas, 18 x 18 3/4 in., High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA.


Bibliographic entry – online (websites or databases)
Corot, CamilleRavine in the Morvan, 1840 - 1845. Oil on canvas, 18 x 18 3/4 in., 
     High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA., accessed
     27 Aug. 2018.

Footnote/endnote – online (websites or databases)
 1.  Camille Corot, Ravine in the Morvan, 1840 - 1845. Oil on canvas, 18 x 18 3/4 in., High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA.

Caption – online (websites or databases)
Illustration. 1: Camille CorotRavine in the Morvan, 1840 - 1845. Oil on canvas, 18 x 18 3/4 in.High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA.

Chicago Giving Credit Citation

You must give credit for images used with copyright restrictions and those that do not have any restrictions.


Images with copyright restrictions:

image Mississippi State University Libraries, Bully Sitting in a Chair (Starkville, MS: University Archives. Special Collections Department. Mississippi State University Libraries) S_3377 © no date, by Mississippi State University Libraries.

Reproduced with permission from Mississippi State University Libraries, Bully Sitting in a Chair (Starkville, MS: University Archives. Special Collections Department. Mississippi State University Libraries) S_3377 © no date, by Mississippi State University Libraries.


Images from Books and E-Books


Images in a Book:

Munch, Edvard. The Scream, 1893.  Casein on paper, 85 x 65 cm, National Gallery, Oslo Norway.

Bibliographic entry 

Munch, Edvard. The Scream, 1893.  Casein on paper, 85 x 65 cm, National Gallery, Oslo Norway. In Modern Art, 3rd ed. by Sam Hunter, John Jacobs, and Daniel Wheeler, (New York, NY: Prentice Hall, 2000) 47.  

 1.   Munch, Edvard. The Scream, 1893.  Casein on paper, 85 x 65 cm, Tempura on cardboard, National Gallery, Oslo Norway, in Modern Art, 3rd ed. by Sam Hunter, John Jacobs, and Daniel Wheeler, 47.  New York, NY: Prentice Hall, 2000.  


Fig. 1 Munch, Edvard. The Scream, 1893.  Casein on paper, 85 x 65 cm, National Gallery, Oslo Norway.

Images in an E-Book

Bibliographic entry – e-book

Monet, Claude. The Beach at Sainte-Andresse, 1867.  Oil on canvas, 75.8 x 102.5 cm, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.  In The Beach at Sainte-Adresse from Monet Paintings and Drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago, by Gloria Groom and Jill Shaw 1-6. Chicago, IL:  Art Institute of Chicago, 2014.  Accessed April 13, 2023,


Footnote/ Endnote

1. Claude Monet, The Beach at Sainte-Andresse, 1867.  Oil on canvas, 75.8 x 102.5 cm, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, in The Beach at Sainte-Adresse from Monet Paintings and Drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago, by Gloria Groom and Jill Shaw (Chicago, IL:  Art Institute of Chicago, 2014) 1-6.  Accessed April 13, 2023,



The Beach at Sainte-Andresse, 1867.  Oil on canvas, 75.8 x 102.5 cm, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.  

Images from a print journals and e-journal

Villa Zeno - Casalto architectural plan by Palladio

Bibliographic entry – Journal Article

Johansen, John M. "Palladio, a Rocky Connecticut Hillside, the New Structural Technology: A House in Fairfield County, Conn.," Architectural Record 118 (December 1955): 152-157.

Footnote/endnote – Journal Article

1.   Palladio, Villa Zeno —Casalto, architectural drawing, ca. 1550’s, (Cessalto, Italy), reproduced in John M. Johansen, "Palladio, a Rocky Connecticut Hillside, the New Structural Technology: A House in Fairfield County, Conn.," Architectural Record 118 (December 1955): 152, illustration. 

Caption – Journal Article

Ill. 1 Palladio' Villa Zeno —Casalto, architectural drawing, ca. 1550’s, (Cessalto, Italy), reproduced in John M. Johansen, "Palladio, a Rocky Connecticut Hillside, the New Structural Technology: A House in Fairfield County, Conn.," Architectural Record 118 (December 1955): 152.



Paul Cézanne. Still Life with Fruit Dish, 1879-1880. Oil on canvas, 46x55cm.  Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY.



Viraben, Hadrien. “Mechanisms of Canonisation Through Exposure: Paul Cézanne’s Still Life with Fruit Dish (1879-80) on the Parisian Art Scene at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century.” Oxford Art Journal 42, no. 1 (2019): 4. Doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcy028.

Footnote/ Endnotes

1.     Paul Cézanne. Still Life with Fruit Dish, 1879-1880. Oil on canvas, 46x55cm.  Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, reproduced in by Hadrien Viraben, “Mechanisms of Canonisation Through Exposure: Paul Cézanne’s Still Life with Fruit Dish (1879-80) on the Parisian Art Scene at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century” Oxford Art Journal 42, no. 1 (2019): 4. Doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcy028.


Fig. 1 Paul Cézanne. Still Life with Fruit Dish, 1879-1880. Oil on canvas, 46x55cm.  Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY.


Creative Commons License

Credits for illustrations found online and subject to a Creative Commons license should specify the license (but will not typically include the word courtesy).  Be sure to include the Creative Commons License and link back to where your found the image.


For example:

Photo by Alby Headrick (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Golden Retriever