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Bully's Basics

These are some of the digital literacy skills that everyone should have when learning.

Find and Check Out a Book!

Library Locations

The following provides information about the locations of some of the collections of print materials in Mitchell Memorial Library. For additional information, see our Floor Plans page.

1st Floor:

Bound Journals: Find articles published in print journals.

2nd Floor:

Research, Instruction and Outreach

  • Undergraduate Research Center: Books on popular research topics for introductory Communication/English courses. Cannot be checked out.
  • Reference: Encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and more. Cannot be checked out.
  • Current Journals: Find articles published in recent issues (past 1-2 years) of print journals.
  • Newspapers: Current local and national newspapers.
  • Government Documents: Publications from the US Federal Government and the United Nations. Most documents cannot be checked out.

Access and Information

  • Course Reserves: Books and other materials on hold for your class. Typically can be checked out for 2 hours and must stay in the library.
  • Holds/Interlibrary Loan Requests: Pick up books that you've requested through the catalog or ILL.

Microforms: Congressional papers, historical newspapers, and more.

3rd Floor:

Circulating Collection (Call Numbers: A-S): Books that you can check out with call numbers beginning with A-S.

Archives and Special Collections: Rare/historical books, photographs, papers, geneaological records, and more. Many documents are related to the history of the university or the state of Mississippi.

4th Floor:

Circulating Collection (Call Numbers: T-Z): Books that you can check out with call numbers beginning with T-Z.

Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library: Comprehensive collection of materials related to the life of Ulysses S. Grant.

Frank & Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana: Comprehensive collection of materials related to the life of Abraham Lincoln.

Mississippi Political Collections: Papers of U.S., Mississippi, and local politicians and political researchers.

Find Books Using the Online Catalog

Request Books through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

1. Log in to your Interlibrary Loan account at the link above. If this is your first time logging in, fill out and submit the "Personal Information" page.

2. On the left-hand side under "New Request," click "Book."

3. Fill out the information about the book you'd like to request and submit the form.

4. The MSU Libraries will work to obtain a copy of this book from another library. You will be emailed when the book is available to pick up, typically 1-2 weeks after you place the request.