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This Research guide will help you with your studies in Photography. You will find resources from the library and approved Web sites. Some of the resources included in this guide are databases, books, and Web links.


The books listed below are located in the Bob and Kathy Luke Library (CAAD Library) in Giles Hall.  However, not all books about photography are located in this branch.  Some books are located in the Mitchell Memorial Library (main library) on campus.  You can place a hold on them and have them delivered to the CAAD Library.

Recommended Reading

The books listed in this box are located in the Bob and Kathy Luke Library on semester reserve.  They may be checked out for 2 hours at a time.  

Serendipitous Browsing for Photography

"Woman browses books in an unknown library


"Woman browses books in an unknown library" by Nathan Williams/ CC BY SRR 2.0

Serendipitous Browsing leads to great finds in the library! You can do this without a computer, just take yourself to the circulating collection and look to see what you can find! Use the Library of Congress (LOC) Call Numbers given below to search the Research Services Reference Collection, as well as the circulating collection.

Use the LOC classification prefixes to browse in the Bob and Kathy Luke Library (CAAD Library) and the Mitchell Memorial Library (Main Library). The LOC classification system is Alpha-Numeric, read the call number from left to right and top to bottom. The beginning letters will tell you the subject area covered in that specific area.  Start alphabetically and then use the numbers to get to the correct location in the stacks.   Areas to browse for Photography resources include different call number ranges for the Library of Congress (LOC).  You will mainly use the call numbers beginning with TR, but you will find other subject areas useful as well such as fine arts (N), Architecture (NA), Philosophy (B), Psychology (BF), Aesthetics (BH), Social Sciences (H), etc. Use the links below to help find areas to browse in both libraries.


Basic breakdown of Library of Congress Outline

Full Breakdown of Photography (LOC TR) Classification (go to page 367)

Full breakdown of all LOC Classification (use text files)