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Introduction to Archival Research at MSU Libraries

This guide has been designed to help researchers locate and access Archives & Special Collections materials at Mississippi State University Libraries.

How to cite physical archival objects.

The proper method for citing a primary source from an archive or special collection may vary depending on the preferred citation standard of your discipline, instructor, or potential publication. However, most citations require the use of similar pieces of information from the source material. Some information that you may made need include:

The primary source: From the primary source, you will have to locate several pieces of information (if available). Commonly used pieces of information from the document may include the object's creator or author, title, page, section, and/or date.

Box and file number: Archival records and manuscript collections are often housed inside of containers (e.g., folders, boxes, flat files, etc.). If your primary source is housed in such a manner, it is important to record the exact box and file number from where it originates so that other researchers may easily reference your source material.

Repository: Repository is a fancy name for the archive or special collections. At Mississippi State University Libraries, the repository's name may vary depending on what division of Archives & Special Collections you sourced your materials.



In order to properly cite the archival object above, you will need to study the object carefully to source information such as the letter's creator and date. You will also need to know other vital pieces of information that may not be available on the object itself to complete a citation. This information most likely will be found on the object's folder or within the collection's finding aid. This information includes:

Collection Number: MSS 782
Collection Title: Luther and Fannye Rhodes World War II Letters
Item Title: Correspondence from Luther Rhodes to Fannye Rhodes
Box Number: Box 1
Folder Number: Folder 7
Institution: Manuscripts Division, Special Collections Department, Mississippi State University Libraries, Mississippi State, Mississippi.

Once you have found the information you need, you can start building your citation. Here's a citation for the above object in three different citation standards:

American Psychological Association (APA):

Rhodes, L. (1943, February 20). [Correspondence from Luther Rhodes to Fannye Rhodes].  MSS 782 Luther and Fannye Rhodes World War II Letters, Manuscripts Division (Box 1, Folder 7), Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries, Mississippi State, MS.

Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS):

Luther Rhodes to Fannye Rhodes, 20 February 1943, MSS 782 Luther and Fannye Rhodes World War II Letters, Box 1, Folder 7, Manuscripts Division, Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries.

Modern Language Association (MLA):

Rhodes, Luther.  Correspondence from Luther Rhodes to Fannye Rhodes. 20 February 1943. MSS 782 Luther and Fannye Rhodes World War II Letters. Manuscripts Division, Special Collections, Mississippi State U Libraries, Mississippi State.

How to cite digital archival objects.

Creating a citation for a digital archival object is very similar to building a citation for a physical object. However, your information will most likely come from the description that accompanies the digital object. Take, for example, the digital object available at  Below the digital object, you will find its descriptive information from which you will build your citation.


American Psychological Association (APA):

Sadye Hunter Wier at 8 Years Old. (1914). MSS 313 Robert and Sadye Wier Papers, Manuscripts Division, Archives & Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries, Mississippi State, MS. Retrieved October 22, 2020, from

Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS):

Sadye Hunter Wier at 8 Years Old, 1914, MSS 313 Robert and Sadye Wier Papers, Manuscripts Division, Archives & Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries.

Modern Language Association (MLA):

Sadye Hunter Wier at 8 Years Old. 1914. MSS 313 Robert & Sadye Wier Papers. Manuscripts Division, Archives & Special Collections, Mississippi State U Libraries, Mississippi State. 22 October 2020.

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