This page will help you create citations for videos, motion pictures, live performances, music recordings, and sound bites. The examples provided are a guideline and you may want to check with your professor first before turning in your work. Some things to keep in mind, when creating your citations:
General format:
Creator. "Title." file type, created date.
"Acoustic Country Waltz." WAV file, created 2 Nov. 2020. Freesound, Accessed 2 Nov. 2020.
You will begin by listing the title followed by the director, film studio, and release year. You will list the performer names after the director. If you are emphasizing a specific person, you will list them first followed by their title.
Example of film:
Billy Madison. Directed by Tamra Davis, performances by Adam Sandler, Norm McDonald, Darren McGavin, Bridgette Wilson-Sampras, Bradley Whitford. Universal Pictures, 1995.
Example of a certain version of film:
Billy Madison. Directed by Tamra Davis, Universal Pictures, 1995. Universal Studios, 2004.
Example of highlighting a specific person:
Sandler, Adam, performer. Billy Madison. Directed by Tamra Davis, Universal Pictures, 1995.
For television shows you will begin by listing the title of the episode in quotation marks, followed by the title in italics. If you are citing a recorded version of the show and has different title than the show, list that title. For example if you are citing a DVD for season 8 of Game of Thrones, it would be Game of Thrones: Complete Eighth Season.
Example of television episode:
"Winterfell." Game of Thrones, written by George R.R. Martin, et all, directed by David Nutter, performance by Kit Herrington, season 8, episode 1, HBO, 2019. HBO, www.
Example of entire television series:
Benioff, David, and D.B. Weiss, creators. Game of Thrones. HBO Entertainment Television, 2011.
Example of highlighting a specific aspect of a television show:
"Winterfell." Game of Thrones, created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, performance by Peter Dinkel, season 8, episode 1, HBO Entertainment Television, 2019.
Begin the citation with the title of the episode in quotation marks, followed by the title in italics. Then follow the general rules of MLA 8th ed.
Podcast example:
"Remembering Sean Connery Through Three Iconic Performances." Pop Culture Happy Hour from NPR, 2 Nov. 2020,
Broadcast TV/ Radio Program:
Begin the citation with the title of the episode in quotation marks, followed by the name of the series in italics. You will also include the network name, call letters of the station, followed by the date of broadcast.
"War of the Worlds." The Mercury Theater on the Air, CBS Radio, New York City, 30 Oct. 1938.
Begin with the title in quotation marks, followed by the website name, who uploaded it, date, web address, and access date.
Example YouTube:
"Two Minutes with Jesmyn Ward." YouTube, uploaded by Tulane University, 11 Oct. 2017, Access 2 Nov. 2020.
Example Streaming Service:
"Mendings, Major, and Minor." The Magicians, season 1, episode 2, SyFy, 15 Feb 2016. Netflix,
Video from Library Database:
Silence. Directed by Martin Scorsese, Paramount Pictures, 2016. Swank.